

Breaking Changes

  • update now uses adjust under the hood which gives it all the same rules
    • Meaning it will also return the list back with an out of bounds index


  • Added some a new test to find to test Set Data types
  • Added new adjust function which applies a function to a supplied array data at a provided index
  • Added new keys function which takes the keys of a provided object and gives them back as an array


  • values now uses the built in keys function instead of Object.keys
  • draft now uses the built in keys function instead of Object.keys
  • Converted any, omit, omitBy, plan, sift, whole, and withDefaults to use keys instead of Object.keys
  • Greatly expanded the unit testing around values
  • Expanded the unit tests for groupBy
  • Expanded the unit tests for gt and gte
  • Expanded the unit tests for difference
  • Added an extra unit test for plan


  • Documentation link in readme now goes to kyanites website instead of 404ing



  • Added new takeLast function
    • Which takes from the end of an array instead of the beginning
  • Added new dropLast function
    • Returns a list containing all but the last n elements of the given list
  • Added new pick function
    • Picks only the requested keys from a provided object


  • Updated types for pathOr so that it can be specified if needed (still defaults to any)


  • Updated drop to use Math.max when deciding a starting index
    • This shouldn't affect the output of drop which is why its not a breaking change
    • It does however allow usage in other functions to work as expected


  • Updated Dependencies


Breaking Changes

  • Converted kyanite to a full blown javascript module
    • This may cause support issues for IE 11
  • Converted from UMD to CJS support
    • This may cause support issues for IE 11
  • The minified scripts now use K instead of kyanite as the TS files specificy
  • Removed unminified version of the library in favor of breaking down supporting of multiple formats
  • Removed "local copy" future support for direct html script tags


  • Export script completely re written
  • Updated all dev dependencies


  • Rollup build stuff to be easier to use on my end and offer more stable support when I run builds



  • Removed LGTM badge
  • Fixed build badge
  • Added preset to babel compiler


  • Dev dependency updates
  • Removed unused dependency
  • Removed mean type error test since this isn't really needed



  • reject was in the wrong category


  • Updated dev dependencies



  • Unreachable overloads in types
  • Removed duplicated overloads in types


  • Replaced tap-spec with tap-on
  • Replaced CircleCI with github Actions
  • Replaced README badge



  • Added new pathSatisfies function, which runs a path to a value which is then passed through a function to see if it satisfies that condition and returns value of predicate
  • Added new propSatisfies function, which pulls a prop from an object and runs a function on it, returns value of predicate


  • Created an internal reducer that is used by other functions, this should help reduce any circular dependencies with that function
  • Created an internal reduced that should help reduce any circular dependencies issues internally
  • Tweaked typings for path function to use a new Path type


  • The documentation for difference was outdated and incorrect



  • Added new omitBy function which works like omit but uses a predicate function instead of a key list
  • Added new fromPairs function which takes an array of arrays that contain key value pairs


  • Tweaked a bit of the typings to allow more strict control
  • Updated pinet to v1.1.1 for improved documantation functionality
    • You can use the enter key with search now to find the function!
  • The dist folder is no longer located on Github but it STILL exists with npm (it's built on upload to npm)



  • Removed commitizen and standard-version (It just wasn't working out with how far along this project already is and how I usually do changes/logs)
  • Updated all dev dependencies
  • Removed david-dm badges because it doesn't seem like david-dm is ever coming back


  • Some linting errors with new version of standardjs
  • Dropped unused scripts

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

1.4.1 (2020-07-02)


  • Removed module property from package.json so webpack should bundle it properly using the ie compatible build


  • 🎸 Added values type definition (80ad6aa)

1.4.0 (2020-05-28)


  • findindex: made findindex IE 11 compatible and switched to using it (0ec2cac), closes #149
  • ie11: added compatibility for IE11 (0cc33db), closes #149
  • ie11: converted functions using Object.values over to just values (71d5512), closes #149
  • values: created new values function (c540b11), closes #149

1.3.0 (2020-03-31)


  • converge: added a converge function (6d61d84)
  • function: prop and propOr can now handle null values (c46091d), closes #144
  • tail: added new tail function (9dba3be)
  • xor: added new xor function (8c4a4fb)

1.2.0 (2020-02-27)


  • functions: added T, F, tail, and cond Functions (22a300d)
  • types: added new functions to types file (b0a9a98)



  • More typing improvements, most of the function params should now default to any, making the library easier to use in typescript lang
  • More tests and examples for reduce


  • Added a pluck function which returns a new array by plucking the same named property off all objects in the array supplied


  • Documentation types for map



  • Improved some of the typings for functions



  • Added more examples to isNil


  • Typo in isNil examples



  • size was removed you can use count instead
  • factors no longer handles negative numbers (see improved section)
    • This can be accounted for with using the negate function
  • apply only take a single param instead of an array of params now
    • You can use applyN instead if you wish to use the old functionality


  • Added a withDefaults function which will populate an object with default values if they don't exist within the data provided
  • Added a multiples function
    • Stress testing seems to point that it can handle up to 300 million limits in about 1.4s, but anything 400mil+ breaks the stack heap
    • If you need to go that high may be wise to look into an arithmatic library
  • Added applyN which is taking over apply's old functionality


  • All dependencies upgraded and audit fixes added
  • Added some extra unit tests
  • Large optimizations for factors re wrote the function and it should be able to handle extremely large numbers now
    • You won't see a huge performance boost on normal numbers within the hundred thousands maybe a few miliseconds this change was mostly to enhance factors so it can handle big integers better
    • Note: This does not mean the new BigInt data type
  • Switched over to use the pinet engine for building the docs
  • Cleaned up isPrime slightly, debating if the trial division approach is still best or not


  • CI breaking the CNAME definitions



  • Removed memoizeWith since it was more of a POC from ramda's code base
    • I will most likely look into re adding it with my own code if the need is there right now I just don't see it


  • Added startsWith function, which should work just like endsWith but with the beginning of a list.


  • isPrime should handle edge cases like 0 a correctly now and return false instead of 0 (#121)
  • endsWith signature to reflect list instead of Array



  • find has gone back to returning undefined instead of null for not found values


  • Added fold function which runs a reduce without an initial accumulator
  • Added the propOr Function which returns the value of a property from an object or the provided default value
  • CircleCI will now handle publishing the documentation to the gh-pages branch


  • Documentation for functions showing up deprecated when they were actually not
  • Documentation for join moved it to the Array Category, and fixed a typo in it's example
  • Documentation for apply showed incorrect curry examples


  • min is now using the fold function
  • Finally improved the documentation process so now documentation changes won't flood the PRs!



  • Added propEq function which takes a object property value and compares it against a given value to see if it's equal
  • Added notEq function which checks if the provided values are not equal to each other


  • The documentation for and should now reflect correctly on the return and params



  • pathOr and path breaking on null value



  • ascend and descend are no longer curried since they're meant to be sort based functionality and will always be called with their 2 params
    • The reasoning behind this is primarily performance, when using the function as intended there is a significant drop in performance
    • Note: ascendBy and descendBy have kept their curried status


  • Added a median function which gets the median of an array of numbers
  • Added a mod function which behaves like a modulo would in actual mathematics
  • Added somePass function which takes an array of functions and passes a value through them until one passes or the end is reached
  • Added everyPass function which takes an array of functions and passes a value through until one fails or the end is reached
  • Added chunk function which chunks an array of data into smaller arrays


  • pipe & pipeP are now using the Kyanite reduce giving them a small performance boost


  • Fixed a lot of signature displays through out the docs
  • Documentation Fixes:
    • addIndex description tweaks
    • memoizeWith added RamdaJs credit since it's based mostly off their version
    • lt, lte, gt, and gte all had invalid examples in their documentation. This is addressed now
    • find and deepEq examples were incorrect



  • Added sum function which takes an array of numbers and adds them together
    • TS type added
  • Added product function which takes an array of numbers and multiplies them together
    • TS type added
  • Switched over to Circleci and Codecov


  • TS types
    • Added addIndex type
    • Added memoizeWith type
  • addIndex Documentation
  • slice Documentation



  • Added a addIndex function which can be used on map, filter, or reduce like functions to have them return the index and full list back to your callback function
  • Re added the amend function (for now?)
  • Added memoizeWith function

v0.11.0 (0.11.1)

Breaking Changes

  • factors output has changed to be inclusive, it also works with negative numbers now
    • Example: factors(-36) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36]
    • You can easily get negative factors with negate and map
      • e.g: map(negate, factors(-36)) // => [-1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -9, -12, -18, -36]
  • empty (and isEmpty until its removed) will now throw a type error for unsupported types
    • empty supports the same types as count as well as null and undefined
    • e.g: empty(1) // => TypeError: Unsupported type: Number
  • juxt functionality changes. It's now a 2 param curried function that takes arrays for data
    • e.g: juxt([Math.min, Math.max], [3, 4, 9, -3]) // => [-3, 9]
    • Also moved it to be in the array category
  • ap re written to be a proper S combinator function
    • e.g: ap(x => y => x + y, z => z * 2, 2) // => 6
  • Removed amend function since it's really just a limited Object.assign no real use for it


  • reduce now supports iterable types like Map and Set
  • Added inc Function which increases a number by 1
  • Added dec Function which decreases a number by 1
  • Added isZero Function which checks if the number passed in is equal to the number zero
  • Added size Function which takes a map or set data type and returns its size
    • Note: It is currently categorized under Function which may change in the future as I add more Map|Set friendly functions
  • Added count Function which takes any collection based data and counts the values within
  • Added reduced Function which should be used with reduce or reduceRight as a short circuit for the function (see improved)
  • has is now generic for Array, String, Object, Map, and Set data types
  • Added within Function which acts like between but is exclusive of the numbers provided


  • isEmpty now supports Maps and Sets
  • Slight increase in partition performance
  • Slight increase in omit performance
  • Added import example onto each function, so it's visible within the examples
  • factors had some typos in its docs
  • Cleaned up always documentation
  • Cleaned up identity documentation examples
  • Cleaned up type to be more lightweight
  • Completely re wrote reduce and reduceRight
    • No breaking changes
    • Both functions now support reduced which will short circuit out of the iteration and return the value
    • This is a good strategy for performance boosts
  • reduce, reduceRight, and reduced are all using the @@transducer protocol
  • Moved every, some, reject, filter, and find to use this new flow giving them decent performance improvements
  • Tweaked height function for a tiny performance boost





  • Added TypeScript Declarations file to bring in typings for functions
  • Added pathOr function which works like path but allows a value to be returned rather than just undefined
  • Added test function which runs a regex test against a provided string
  • Added match function which will match a string against some regex and build an array of matching strings


  • README organization to help alleviate confusion
  • Documentation for partition, max, min, maxBy, and minBy to be a bit easier to understand


  • range will no longer show up under the Function category
  • Docs for find so that the return is accurate
  • Docs for omit so that the description is accurate and makes sense, also made the param more verbose
  • Docs for path to correct the description
  • Docs for or to have the correct types associated with the values
  • Docs for concat to correct it's signature
  • List type docs to depict String & Array signatures or "List" signatures



  • omit documentation to show correct input


  • Added over function which applies a function over a object value


Breaking Changes


  • Dropped IE support
  • Dropped modularity support please see issue #61 for more info
    • In short, with the recent rollup versions currying is better supported for tree shaking


  • All deprecated functions
    • is, compact, compress, empty, deepClone, contains, strip, clone, head, tail, pluck, and words
  • assign, entries, and values Since we dropped IE support you shouldn't need these functions
  • unzip - Rare use case limited usability
  • defaults - Rare use case, you can achieve similar with Object.assign and small tweaking


  • sub to subtract
  • mul to multiply
  • div to divide
  • identical to eq
  • isEqual to deepEq


  • reduce now expects a flipped reducer function (x, acc) rather than (acc, x)
  • add No longer does type coercion to the values passed in
  • find and findIndex now use the built in higher order functions
  • Moved last and first into the list type rather than array
  • Flipped the way subtract does math instead of subtract(2, 1) === 2 - 1 it will now be subtract(1, 2) === 2 - 1
  • mean has gone back to returning NaN if given an empty array and will throw a Ref Error if given no params
  • range will not return a type error if given a string
  • Re wrote isEqual again, making it far more flexible again as well as far more performant
  • omit now requires you to send an array of keys even if it's just one
  • difference no longer cares about array order, and accepts an array of arrays
  • apply now always requires an array for values


  • Huge performance gains, added internal curry backend since functions rely on each other so much
  • Replaced uglify-js with terser
  • Moved mean to Number type rather than Array type
  • Also cleaned up mean
  • Cleaned up and fixed the mean documentation
  • Cleaned up complement and reject documentation
  • Param rename in pipe to be more verbose/accurate
  • Cleaned up sortBy
  • Cleaned up gcd
  • Cleaned up factors
  • Moved length to list type
  • isEqual's documentation needed more examples
  • isEqual is able to handle Set data types
  • isEmpty uses isNil now instead of !x
  • isOdd and isEven both cleaned up nicely
  • Moved range to number type
  • height improvements to use .values vs .keys


  • Added flip function which flips the params sent to a given function
  • Added eqBy function which compares two values after applying a function to both
  • Added negate function which adds a negative to a given number
  • Added composeP function which works like compose but with Promises
  • Added pipeP function which works like pipe but with Promises
  • Added replace function which takes a string and replaces a value within it
  • Added countBy function which takes an array and counts the values
  • Added amend function which amends a new object into an old to update data
  • Added clamp function which clamps a number between 2 others
  • Added defaultTo function which returns a value unless it is NaN, undefined, or null then it returns a default
  • Added reduceRight function which works like reduce but starts from the right of the array



  • is There isn't a solid enough use case for this aside from maybe a test suite, this is also pretty messy data wise
    • Try using type instead
  • identical As it is going to become the eq function in v0.10.0
  • compact use filter instead
  • compress use sift instead
  • words The use case is basically just using split anyway


  • Incorrect documentation on compose
  • Typo in includes documentation



  • clone : There is no real need for this since every function already shallow clones data, and a deep clone is shaky ground at best
  • head : Bad use case, objects are in no particular order
  • tail : Bad use case, objects are in no particular order


  • Added description to compose function


  • The documentation for any and whole didn't make a lot of sense
  • round description needed a slight tweak
  • Made add, div, mul, and sub descriptions a bit more strict


Notice: All deprecated functions will be removed in the v0.10.0 release

Breaking Changes

  • isEqual now takes order of arrays into consideration and will return false if arrays do not match in order
  • when is no longer a maybe return and should give back the original data passed in. It also supports only a single param passed in
  • New List type for similar functions that apply to a List of characters (string) and a List of items (Array)
    • slice has been moved to this type
    • includes has been moved to this type
    • concat has been moved to this type
    • reversed has been moved to this type
    • nth has been moved to this type
  • concat flow changed a little bit to work more like built in concat
    • In order to achieve array type simply use concatMap like so: concatMap(x => x, [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
  • range now requires you to pass 2 params to it, it is curried out of the box as well.
  • The parameters for gt, gte, lt and lte have been flipped to meet the proper data last structure


  • pluck : Shaky code stack, and lack of use cases that props and prop can't handle
  • strip : No real use cases to benefit from this
  • empty : No real use cases to benefit from this
  • contains : Use includes within the list type


  • filter had incorrect data types within its documentation
  • when documentation typos and no longer hard to read


  • Added always function which takes 2 params and always returns the first one. Good for pipes since its curried
  • Added compose function (finally)
  • Added unless function which takes 3 params, and acts the opposite of when
  • Added split function which takes a char and a string and splits the string based on the char
  • Added takeWhile function which will take values from an array based on a function boolean
  • Added dropWhile function which will drop values from an array based on a function boolean
  • Added apply function which takes an array of data and applys a function to it
  • Added either function which takes 2 functions and a value and if either function returns truthy will return true
  • Added endsWith function which checks if the passed in list ends with the given value


  • Documentation for includes and identity functions
  • Removed unused code (circular and isObject)
  • Added handling for an edge case with Object.keys inside of isEqual



  • Added isPrime function which accepts a number and determines if its prime or not
  • Added factors function which accepts a number and finds its factors


  • Tweaked range handling and flow to work better with factors


  • Case where passing a string number to range might produce weird results



  • No longer packaging unwanted items like coverage results


  • Slightly the build process of the module (pre-publish/release anyway)



  • Added 2nd level Modularity you can now request sections of the library by type
    • Example: import KO from 'kyanite/object See the Modular By Datatype section of the readme


  • Documentation spelling error for path
  • Documentation is now Consistent to the linter and the rest of the module


Breaking Changes

  • assign is now curried and expects a minimum of 2 values passed in


  • deepClone : Use clone instead, to mimic the deep clone functionality do this: clone({ a: 1 }, true)


  • Added new clone function, it can create a shallow clone for Objects however accepts a 2nd param to use deep clone capabilities
  • New unzip function which takes an object and breaks down into two arrays one of keys and one of values


  • Re wrote the assign function using Object.keys to remove the need for for in looping and checking hasOwnProperty
  • Slight tweaks to has and assign unit tests
  • Added function names to descriptions of tests to verify what is testing what
  • Further unit test improvements


  • The documentation for when was missing a description, this has been addressed



  • Replaced null check within defaults with isNil to keep non strict to a minimum



  • Swapped param usage for div functionality
    • Ex: div(4, 2) // => 2 should now be div(2, 4) // => 2


  • Added number pow function which takes an exponent and base number and rises the number to the exponents value
  • Added number rem function which finds the remainder of two numbers
  • Added number isOdd function which checks if the provided number is odd or not
  • Added number isEven function which checks if the provided number is even or not
  • Added string toUpper function which transforms a string to all upper case
  • Added string toLower function which transforms a string to all lower case


  • Removed unreachable code block from equals functionality


  • Coverage for tail and head functions



  • Completely re wrote sift to act as a for real filter, instead of another omit
  • Complete re work of isEqual in an attempt to make it much more lightweight
    • IMPORTANT: This method will no longer handle/care about recursive data in objects so if you are comparing potential circular/recursive data you will get a memory stack error
    • It can still compare Primitive types, as well as Arrays, Objects, Dates, RegExp, and memory like Promises
    • Dropped support for items like Object based Booleans/Strings (new Boolean), Maps, Errors, And a lot of the really super rare edge cases


  • Compatibility patch for using isEqual in IE
  • Documentation bug not showing arguments for functions
  • fuzzySearch param naming in documentation was inconsistent


  • Added a new draft function for objects which essentially applies a provided function to all of the values within an object (essentially an object map)
  • Re categorized fuzzySearch as a String function rather than a normal function


  • isEqual gained a lot of improvements to performance, this is also dependent on the size/format of the data being compared
  • isEqual file size has dropped by a lot with the new re write



  • Tweaked how max was running it's comparisons
  • Tweaked how min was running it's comparisons


  • Added head function for objects, which pulls the first value from it
  • Added tail function for objects, which pulls the last value from it
  • Added maxBy function which applies a function to each value before comparing the max
  • Added minBy function which applies a function to each value before comparing the min
  • Added zip function which takes two arrays and turns them into an object key value pair



  • fuzzySearch algorithm is stable again and extremely more accurate than before
    • I may need to look into a better solution than I currently have for it however


  • Added more complex testing strings to fuzzySearch tests



  • Renamed gets to props to meep the convention consistent
  • Renamed includes to contains for strings (swapped with array)
  • Renamed contains to includes for arrays (swapped with string)
  • Removed deepClone because assign ultimately generates a brand new object when ran


  • Added join string function which accepts a string and an array to generate a joined string
  • Added branch function which takes 3 functions and a value, and will run either the 2nd or 3rd function based on if the first passes
  • Added ap function which takes an array of functions to be applied to an array of data, concating the results together
  • Added on function which takes 2 functions and 2 values, applies the 2nd function to both values and then applies the first function onto those


  • Converted the function used by compact to just be identity
  • Added some slight test additions to pipe
  • Tweaked documentation automation to make sure the main site is always up to date



  • Re organized the src and test folder contents into seperate folders based on category
    • This is no way affects usage, you can still do import isEmpty from 'kyanite/isEmpty' it's more to make it easier to work with and avoid duplication
  • findIndex returns a maybe, so instead of a -1 if no index is found it will return undefined
  • The src folder is now included on install, so if you want to use the es6 versions of the module, you can import them from kyanite/src/type/function
    • An example might be for curry it'd be: import curry from 'kyanite/src/function/curry'


  • A few documentation fixes which also involved some missing information/categories



  • Added encase which encases the provided function with try catch to safely execute the function
  • Added drop which takes an array and drops the requested number of values from the front
  • Added take which pulls values from an array up until the point specified (the opposite of drop)
  • Added sortWith which takes an array of functions and goes through the array when it encounters ties with the data while sorting it



  • Added findIndex function which takes a function and array and returns the first value from the array that passes the function
  • Added groupBy function which groups the values of an array into common properties of an object
  • Added sortBy function which sorts an array based on the values when ran through a function
  • Added descendBy function which accepts a function to run against values for sorting in descending order
  • Added ascendBy function which accepts a function to run against values for sorting in ascending order



  • Added ascend function which can be used with sort for ascending order
  • Added descend function which can be used with sort for descending order
  • Added both function which accepts 2 functions and a value, returns true if both functions pass, otherwise returns false


  • Added ability to handle string numbers to add function


BREAKING CHANGES (If converting from dusty-fns)

  • fuzzySearch params have been swapped, so now its fuzzySearch(needle, haystack) instead
  • Renamed removeAt to just remove
  • Renamed replaceAt to just update
  • flatten has been removed, consider using concat and concatMap instead
  • uniq now only looks for an array, use uniqBy in order to use the old functionality
  • Removed clone since assign is essentially the same thing with more capabilities
  • Function params passed to juxt should now be contained within a single array
  • Changed the return of mean so it returns 0 instead of NaN for bad arguments passed in
  • isEmpty now handles values such as null, undefined, NaN, and Booleans it will return true for ALL of these
  • empty no longer throws an error for non "emptyables". Instead it returns undefined


  • Addressed copy and paste errors for prepend docs
  • Addressed several documentation errors


  • Some more tweaks to internal documentation scripts
  • Replaced ava and converted back to tape (Yay!)
  • max now uses last internally instead of nth should improve is seperate build size/performance
  • min now uses first internally instead of nth should improve is seperate build size/performance
  • Removed functionName internal since it's no longer being used
  • Improved build size of isEqual by removing impossible logic
  • Added onto identical documentation with more examples
  • Re-wrote assign for better optimization,


  • Added path function to safely navigate objects that may or may not have properties
  • Added sift function which works a lot like filter but with Object data types
  • Added whole function which works a lot like every but with Object data types
  • Added any function which works a lot like some but with Object data types
  • Added insert function which inserts a data value into a specified index of an array
  • Added height function which works like length, however it handles object data types
  • Added gets function which goes through an object to pull values requested in an array
  • Added plan function which takes a schema object of functions to apply to a matching object of data
  • Added gt function which compares the passed in values to determine if one is greater than the other
  • Added gte function which compares the passed in values to determine if one is greater than or equal to the other
  • Added lt function which compares the passed in values to determine if one is less than the other
  • Added lte function which compares the passed in values to determine if one is less than or equal to the other
  • Added when function which uses a logic function to trigger an action function if the arguments are true
  • Added concat function which concats the values of an array to a new array
  • Added concatMap function which applies a function to the values of an array and concats them
  • Added compact function which takes an array and removes all falsy values from it
  • Added uniqBy function which does what the original uniq was built to do